"There are many volunteer opportunities available to me, but few that allow me to work one-to-one mentoring a special young adult who wants to become the first in his or her family to earn a college degree. It's life-changing for the student, and a joyful, satisfying experience for me!"
Jeff Butzen, EB211 Volunteer
Want to get Involved?
Volunteers are an integral part of our success!. Our Board of Directors, mentors, Advisory Board, and committee members donate an amazing amount of time assisting our students to reach their educational goals.
If you are interested in learning about opportunities to volunteer for Excel Beyond 211 Dollars for Scholars and live in the greater Chicago area, email us at eb211dollarsforscholars@gmail.com.
For Current Board Members
Click below to log into the ChapterNet Administrative Area, where you can manage your contacts, scholarships and website. If you have not signed up as a ChapterNet user, please click the Chapter Contact link above to contact a volunteer administrator and get started.