☆ EB211 Dollars for Scholars Advisory Council 


Business Affiliation

Dee Beaubien

Retired Mental Health Counselor and Consultant

Laura  J. Brown

Vice President/Chief Advancement Officer, Harper College 

Dan Dunne

Retired Chief Financial Officer for Mid-Size Companies

Kristin Freeman

Retired Director / Senior and Disability Services, Wheeling Township 

Asa Gordon

Director, K-12 State and District Partnerships at The College Board

Terry Graber

President, Power Construction Company, LLC 

Diane Hill

Retired clinical supervisor in speech and language pathology, Northwestern University

Bill Kesler

Retired Executive Vice President/Treasurer, HSBC Finance Corporation

Scot Leonard

Attorney, Leonard Law Firm 

Kathy Millin

Executive Director, Palatine Opportunity Center 

Susan Quinlan

Retired Counselor, Vice President EB211 

W. Bradley Stetson

Chairman of the Board, Barrington Bank and Trust Company 

Nancy N. Robb

Retired District 211 Superintendent, President EB211 

Michele Smith

Vice President of Workforce Solutions/Associate Provost for Curriculum

Christine M. Smith

Executive Director, Internal Audit Tenneco 

Robert Wettermann

President, Best, Inc.

Susan Rogers

Chief People Officer, School Health Corporation 

Eileen Higginbotham President and Founder, Hotel Marketing Resources, Inc.
Leah Romaine

Clinical Professor, Loyola University